How to Fix Game FPS Drops When Recording Gameplay in OBS Studio

How to Fix Game FPS Drops When Recording Gameplay in OBS Studio?

When it comes to recording gameplay footage, OBS Studio is a popular choice among content creators and gamers alike. However, one common issue that many encounter is experiencing a drop in frames per second (FPS) while recording gameplay, leading to a less-than-optimal viewing experience.

In this article, we will explore several effective methods to address FPS drops in OBS Studio and ensure smooth and high-quality recordings. By following these steps, you’ll be able to capture your gaming adventures seamlessly, without compromising on performance

Optimize OBS Studio Settings

To fix FPS drops when recording gameplay in OBS Studio, it’s essential to optimize the settings within the software. Here are a few steps to help you achieve better performance:

  1. Update OBS Studio: Start by ensuring that you have the latest version of OBS Studio installed. Developers often release updates to improve performance and address bugs.
  2. Adjust Output Settings: Navigate to the “Output” tab in OBS Studio’s settings. Select the appropriate output mode based on your needs, such as “Simple” or “Advanced.” Adjust the video bitrate and encoder settings based on your system’s capabilities and the desired recording quality.
  3. Optimize Video Settings: Head over to the “Video” tab in OBS Studio’s settings. Set the base and output resolutions to match your monitor’s native resolution for optimal performance. Additionally, consider lowering the FPS setting to reduce strain on your system.
  4. Utilize Hardware Acceleration: OBS Studio supports hardware acceleration through technologies like NVENC (NVIDIA) or AMD VCE (AMD). Enable hardware acceleration in the “Output” tab to offload some of the encoding work to your GPU, thus reducing the strain on your CPU.

Optimize Game and System Settings

To further improve FPS stability while recording gameplay in OBS Studio, it’s crucial to optimize both your game and system settings. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Game Settings: Lowering in-game graphics settings can significantly improve performance. Reduce the resolution, texture quality, and other graphical options to ease the strain on your system. Additionally, close unnecessary background applications to free up system resources.
  2. Update Graphics Drivers: Ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date. Visit the manufacturer’s website or use automatic driver update tools to install the latest drivers, as they often include optimizations for game performance.
  3. Close Resource-Intensive Programs: Close any unnecessary applications running in the background, such as web browsers, music players, or video streaming services. These programs can consume system resources, leading to FPS drops during gameplay recording.
  4. Allocate Sufficient System Resources: Increase the priority of OBS Studio and your game in the task manager. This ensures that both applications receive the necessary system resources, reducing the chances of performance issues.
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Hardware Considerations

If you’re still experiencing FPS drops despite optimizing OBS Studio and your system settings, it may be time to consider hardware upgrades or adjustments:

  1. CPU and GPU: Recording gameplay can be resource-intensive, particularly for older or less powerful CPUs and GPUs. Upgrading to a more capable processor or graphics card can significantly improve performance and reduce FPS drops.
  2. Storage Solution: Consider using a separate hard drive or SSD dedicated to storing recorded gameplay footage. This helps alleviate the strain on your primary drive and ensures smoother recording processes.


By implementing the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to address FPS drops when recording gameplay in OBS Studio. Optimize OBS Studio settings, adjust in-game and system settings, and consider hardware upgrades if necessary.

Remember, achieving smooth and high-quality recordings while maintaining a stable FPS requires finding the right balance between performance and visual fidelity. Experiment with different settings and monitor your system’s performance to find the optimal configuration for your setup.

With these fixes in place, you can now confidently record your gameplay without worrying about FPS drops, delivering captivating content to your audience. Happy recording!

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